Well, I was digging around a bit, and found some poetry I wrote, waay back when I was 14 or so.
It’s called The Eclipse of Humanity. Dark, very dark. *Shudders*
Ah well, here goes.
The Eclipse of Humanity
As armageddon rumbles with chaos eternal,
the wind echoes with souls infernal.
Death is near,
Death is here.
An old warrior tells his comrades-
who are rotting to death, the poor ol’ lads
-"As long as this earthly wind shall blow,
evil shall be here, that I know.”
So as eclipses mark the death of mankind,
only death is within their mind.
Mankind has fallen, ’tis a big disgrace,
as life and death come face to face.
Oblivion appears as humans cower in fear,
“It is here,” they say, “Death is here.”
Anarchy and chaos rule supreme,
of light winning, ’tis just a dream.
Who wants candy?
It’s called The Eclipse of Humanity. Dark, very dark. *Shudders*
Ah well, here goes.
The Eclipse of Humanity
As armageddon rumbles with chaos eternal,
the wind echoes with souls infernal.
Death is near,
Death is here.
An old warrior tells his comrades-
who are rotting to death, the poor ol’ lads
-"As long as this earthly wind shall blow,
evil shall be here, that I know.”
So as eclipses mark the death of mankind,
only death is within their mind.
Mankind has fallen, ’tis a big disgrace,
as life and death come face to face.
Oblivion appears as humans cower in fear,
“It is here,” they say, “Death is here.”
Anarchy and chaos rule supreme,
of light winning, ’tis just a dream.
Who wants candy?
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