Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Indie Band Plan.

Been sick, so couldn't update and post about the books. I'll save that for later though.

So yeah.
My friend and I have been jamming some 60s/70s/80s stuff for a while. At first it was for fun, and without direction, but 3 months ago we kinda hit upon a sound for ourselves, pretty different from the other bands in the city. We finished some covers and got some own comps laid down.

We didn't have a backing band, but we thought we'd keep it 2 piece and acoustic till we did. We were aiming for a 70s ish type style. Semi jangly chords, with harmonized vocals and R&B type call and response stuff. Dancey bass and some Indian elements in the rhythms.

Unfortunately. He's left to Bangalore :\ And I'm now filled with these song ideas and these half finished songs just waiting to be jammed and finished. What's worse, I've found a backing band, a bassist and drummer who are ready to jam as well. But I need to decide what to do about the lead vocal/rhythm guitarist/co songwriter position. It's a real dilemma. Aaargh. 

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Back! And here's a list.

Okay, so I'm back after a hiatus. My net's been back for a while but I've been too lazy to update for some reason. Meh.

Lot's happened since I was last active. Too much, in fact. Someday I'll get around to writing it down here, maybe.

I've been reading a lot of stuff for the last year or so. After not having read much for like 3 years before that. They opened a library near my house, a pretty massive one with a huge collection of stuff... And well. I started reading a lot, I guess to compensate for those 3 years. Anyway. Here's a list of some of the stuff I've read since then, with a rating out of ten, with ten being the highest. Rated not necessarily by quality, but by how much it was relatable and made sense/made me think/rethink my view of things.

  • The Dice Man, Luke Rhinehart - [8/10]
  • The Search for The Dice Man, Luke Rhinehart - [7/10]
  • The "A Song of Ice and Fire" Series, George R R Martin- [9/10]
  • Galapagos, Kurt Vonnegut - [3/10]
  • God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, Kurt Vonnegut - [5/10]
  • God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian, Kurt Vonnegut - [7/10]
  • Choke, Chuck Palahniuk - [2/10]
  • Time Out of Joint, Phillip K. Dick - [7/10]
  • Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa - [11/10] (Yeah, you read that right!)
  • after the quake, Haruki Murakami - [6/10]
  • In The Miso Soup, Ryu Murakami - [4/10]
  • My Melancholy Whores, Gabriel García Marquez - [3/10]
  • Strange Pilgrims, Gabriel García Márquez - [7/10]
  • South of The Border, East of The Sun, Haruki Murakami - [8/10]
  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Phillip K. Dick - [7/10]
Etc etc. There are lots more but yeah. I'm not gonna write them all down.

All this reading's really changed my perspective on stuff, since it was after a period of not really reading much other than masala stuff or thrillers/spy books.

After a long, long time of being bogged down with work and being tired, and other stuff generally, I've started appreciating language and the subtlety of words more, and their intricacies and imagery. I've started appreciating the smaller subtleties in life, the settings and scenes of day to day things. I've started getting more emotionally involved while listening to song lyrics, especially when it comes to stuff like 60s/70s music. Stuff by guys like Dylan,The Beatles, jazz singers, bossa nova musicians, folk musicians, CSNY, Floyd, Steely Dan and others gained additional dimensions suddenly. There's this willingness to see things from many perspectives at once, and see the pros and cons of each, that grows once you're past your selfish, selfcentered  mentality of your teens and start listening to people and what they have to say, and have the courage to admit that they might be right or to even consider things like that.

There's more I want to say on the subject... Especially concerning certain books specifically. When I post next (tomorrow, hopefully - but probably not, knowing me)!