Been sick, so couldn't update and post about the books. I'll save that for later though.
So yeah.
My friend and I have been jamming some 60s/70s/80s stuff for a while. At first it was for fun, and without direction, but 3 months ago we kinda hit upon a sound for ourselves, pretty different from the other bands in the city. We finished some covers and got some own comps laid down.
We didn't have a backing band, but we thought we'd keep it 2 piece and acoustic till we did. We were aiming for a 70s ish type style. Semi jangly chords, with harmonized vocals and R&B type call and response stuff. Dancey bass and some Indian elements in the rhythms.
Unfortunately. He's left to Bangalore :\ And I'm now filled with these song ideas and these half finished songs just waiting to be jammed and finished. What's worse, I've found a backing band, a bassist and drummer who are ready to jam as well. But I need to decide what to do about the lead vocal/rhythm guitarist/co songwriter position. It's a real dilemma. Aaargh.
So yeah.
My friend and I have been jamming some 60s/70s/80s stuff for a while. At first it was for fun, and without direction, but 3 months ago we kinda hit upon a sound for ourselves, pretty different from the other bands in the city. We finished some covers and got some own comps laid down.
We didn't have a backing band, but we thought we'd keep it 2 piece and acoustic till we did. We were aiming for a 70s ish type style. Semi jangly chords, with harmonized vocals and R&B type call and response stuff. Dancey bass and some Indian elements in the rhythms.
Unfortunately. He's left to Bangalore :\ And I'm now filled with these song ideas and these half finished songs just waiting to be jammed and finished. What's worse, I've found a backing band, a bassist and drummer who are ready to jam as well. But I need to decide what to do about the lead vocal/rhythm guitarist/co songwriter position. It's a real dilemma. Aaargh.